
Top 5 Affordable And Healthy Desi Swaps For Western Ingredients

From Kale to cabbage, there are number of Affordable And Healthy Desi Swaps For Western Ingredients.

Affordable And Healthy: Nutritionist Suggests 5 Desi Swaps For Western Ingredients

Read more – Must Have Vitamin C Pre-Workout Sessions“ It May Offer Recovery Benefits (Study Suggests )

Kale to cabbage 

Read more: Try Juicy Goodness Of Summer Fruits With These 5 Cooler Recipes

Olive Oil to ghee 

Blueberries to jamun

The sweet-tart flavor and antioxidant qualities of blueberries are well-known. If blueberries are out of season or too costly, you might want to try jamun. Native to India, jamun is also called Indian blackberry and is prized for its distinct flavor and deep purple hue. Jamun is an excellent substitute for blueberries if you’re craving antioxidants because it’s far more affordable and packed with antioxidants.

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