Jacinda Ardern is the most popular PM of the century, more power to women

Women-led countries are doing great against the coronavirus pandemic
The crowd-favourite Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern dominated the global news for careful and precise containment of COVID-19. A poll conducted by Newshub-Reid Research suggested that the current PM Jacinda Ardern is the most popular Prime Minister of New Zealand in a century. The leader of the Labour Party stood at 59.5 per cent in the poll which is 20 per cent higher that she got in the last poll. This score is highest by any leader in the poll history of Reid Research.
The Labour Party which is in power got 56.5 per cent in the first poll, since the global pandemic hit the country. Jacinda Ardern-led Labour Party in New Zealand gained 14 points. 56.5 is the highest percentage of point ever received by any party ever. The party in opposition National Party, which is also the biggest party in parliament dropped to 30 per cent as it lost 12.7 points.
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92 per cent people thought that PM Jacinda did right by imposing level 3 lockdown
The poll also asked the public about the final days of the country’s level 3 lockdown. 92 per cent people said that Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern took the right call to curb the spread of COVID-19.
The rising popularity of Jacinda is credited to the work her government has done to tackle and almost defeat the global pandemic which has claimed more than 3,25,000 lives so far. Currently, there are only 35 active cases in New Zealand. More than 1500 people tested positive in which 21 has died so far and 1,447 have recovered.
Women-led countries are doing better than other countries
Women-led countries have tackled the coronavirus better than other countries. A poll conducted on March 27 in Germany suggested that 89 per cent of people said that Germany Chancellor, Angela Merkel is handling the coronavirus outbreak well. The poll also suggested that Angela Merkel has strengthened her lead as the country’s most important politician. The Germany Chancellor is also a trained physician.
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Apart from Jacinda Ardern and Angela Merkel, elected female leaders of Finland’s Sanna Marin, Denmark’s PM Mette Frederiksen, Norway’s PM Erna Solberg and Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen have done incredible job in their respective countries to curb the spread of coronavirus. These leaders have also handled the economic front of the country caused by lockdown better many other countries.
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