GO SHILLONGis an app developed by Alien Leaf Studio, Shillong. MrDipankarSingha, the creative head of Alien Leaf Studio, said that they started to focus on app development and thought of mobiles at first. They opened the mobile website and from there somehow the GO SHILLONG app came about.
At first it was only a travel and restaurant guide. But has now slowlybranched out into events and are trying to add more as the app grows. Downloads show a mixed ratio of local users within Shillong and from outside of the State. They are also planning to expand into other cities in the North East.
How has the journey been so far?
It took a lot of time to gather the database as we had to do it manually. Earlier we wanted to do it ourselves to keep a check on quality ourselves. But now, we are planning to make it more as a login via Gmail or Facebook account type app. You as the vendor would just have to login and fill-up the information then it would go to our server and we will filter it and update it.
Would GO SHILLONG app be similar to yellow pages?
In one part it is similar to yellow pages but the second part of the app is information. Public transport timings, fare rate for everyday commuters and touristsare included to make it easier for them to not be fooled when they have the app in their hands.
Would your content be describe as dynamic or static?
Actually, it’s dynamic. It’s just not information as you can make your own choices. We have the facility to make a one click call. In most of the appsthat we have seen, we have to filter through the categories. We are focusing on not more than three clicks for each category.
How do you generate revenue?
Right now it is free. We are planning down the road to emulate Google. The page link comes on the top. If you have a restaurant and have a special offer. We are planning to give a splash or thumbnails about it. So that your visibility is highlighted more than the other vendors. But in terms of revenue so far. There are a couple of interested vendors however we are still under negotiation.
As the platform changes every three to six months.During the design and development of the app. How much testing has been done to keep up with these updates?
The first is the operating system; OS. At first we were working with android 2.2 and above and trying to rectify on a daily basis. However we have decided to work slowly from 4.0 and focus more on it instead.
It is just like any android app. The interface is user friendly. There was the addition of testing it every day to how the user will use it, whether using two fingers and such. And now also Google has come up with new rules similar to IOS. Android has also come with its own guidelines. The new interface that will be coming will be based on these new guidelines.
Do crash reports give status of the app?
Actually when we make the update, testing is crucial before we launch. We did a rigorous testing of the app. First thing we do is send it to the field testers, then we all use different versions of android. We fiddle around and list our reports and send it back on how it crashed and in what format. Then the developers look into it and try and see from there.
Everyone is developing apps, where everyone thinks its striking gold when it just is just built. How do you evolve from it just being a step through?
The only drawback is the manpower,programmers’. I mean locally it’s easier to test on the go. The apps are the present and the future. Where it’s a learning process on a daily basis both for the user and the developer.
So far it’s our first time and the journey is good, we are understanding the UI interface but developing the app is more like R&D at the moment. But we have some ideas in the pipeline after this.
As you know the current case with Uber, where slowly you might have heard new regulations being in place. How do you address those issues about the user’s safety and security?
If you see our app there are important numbers on the list where the color choice has been taken in consideration. We found the color “red” is more attractive. It is highlighted for the emergency numbers.Where you don’t have to look for the numbers but it is just two clicks away. Security and safety wise, that is the only thing we can offer. </p.
Overall I believe they have to be kept updated every time and that it should be controlled from the base or the center. Where the user can control or stop the car through its computer as seen in high end cars. Which should be introduced in the cabs. The system need to be checked and verified on a daily basis by just filling out forms.
For usit’s like when there is bug in the app, we know who did the error and we rectify it immediately but for the user the whole team should be responsible.
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