US welcomes Saudi Arabia into UNHRC

Saudi Arabia has been given a seat at the UN Human Rights Council and to be head of the committee. The UN Human Rights Council already has questionable morality history of electing members even such as Cuba, Venezuela, China, Pakistan, Qatar, and Vietnam into its council.
Even with Amnesty International report criticizes various capital punishment cases in Saudi Arabia. UN watch experts are questioning about whether it was elected because of its ability to raise funds. In the eyes of the United Nations, Saudi Arabia can be seen as an expert in dealing with wider aspects of redefining Human Rights taken in context its practices within its own country.
Even as the announcements came off its role at UNHRC. There is already criticism from various experts and activist groups. Saudi Arabia is preparing to crucify and behead a protester who was inspired by the Arab spring in 2011. He was a minor at the time of his arrest. They are planning to display his body after death as a warning to others. It is already putting the United States in a difficult position.