Stay Strong, Don’t give-up

Don’t give up. Not so soon. You’ve reached so far. There are still miles to go and seas to cross. We work really hard to achieve something in life and all it takes for us to give up is one failure.
Failure is the stepping stone to success and not the stone to defeat. Giving up is an easy way out, what’s tough is – staying put and fighting what you set your eyes on. It might be difficult, but, one has to. For all you know, you might be this close to success, before you decided to give up.
Life doesn’t always gives you second chances, life is not a book or a movie, things don’t happen your way always. What you can do to make sure it does is – Work Hard. Work Hard without leaving any room for failure. The only lesson that is worth taking home from any inspirational movie or book has always been- do not give up, no matter what the circumstances.
This might seem easier said than done. But, we all are in a constant struggle to achieve what we want and trying hard to not give up. And as they say “Darr Ke Aage Jeet Hai”.