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Polio Outbreak in Gaza: Know preventive measures, Causes and how to safeguard children from viral disease

Learn about the most recent developments about the polio virus outbreak in Gaza, as well as its causes, symptoms, and available treatments.

Polio Outbreak in Gaza: From causes to preventive measures, know how to safeguard children from viral disease

Paralysis is one of the worst health consequences that can result from the highly contagious viral disease polio. It is essential to know the causes, symptoms, available treatments, and preventive actions of this disease in order to protect your children from this potentially crippling condition.

Health experts and parents alike are concerned about the current polio outbreak in Gaza. After traces of the virus were found in wastewater on July 30, Gaza’s Health Ministry declared the Palestinian territory a “polio epidemic zone,” raising concerns about the possibility of a recurrence of a disease that had been eradicated from the area more than 25 years earlier. Experts saw an epidemic of the viral disease as “inevitable,” given the millions of displaced Palestinians living in deplorable conditions without access to basic medical supplies or healthcare facilities.

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Symptoms –

There is a wide range of polio symptoms; some people may not exhibit any symptoms at all, while others may have serious consequences. Typical signs and symptoms include High temperature , Headache ,rigidity in the back and neck Pain in the muscles . In extreme circumstances, the virus may infiltrate the nerve system and cause paralysis, which can be irreversible. Youngsters under the age of five are most susceptible to the worst effects of polio infection.

Causes –

The poliovirus, which causes polio, mainly spreads through tainted food and water or direct contact with an infected individual. In densely populated locations like Gaza, poor sanitation and hygiene standards can accelerate the transmission of the virus, rendering them especially vulnerable to outbreaks. The virus spreads quickly because it does best in environments with limited access to sanitary facilities and clean water.

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Treatment –

Polio treatment Once a person contracts polio, there is no treatment available. The goals of treatment are to control symptoms and avoid complications. In severe cases, supportive care—which includes pain management, physical rehabilitation, and the use of ventilators for respiratory assistance—is frequently required. The main emphasis is on immunization as a means of prevention.

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