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Mindfulness can cure obesity!

A new study has revealed that Balance in brain networks in children , who are obese is different compared to healthy weight children, making them more likely to overeat.

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The identification of children at risk for obesity early on and the use of mindfulness approaches to control the feed may be a way to approach weight control, the researchers suggested.

The data weights of children and their responses to child eating behaviour questionnaire, which describes the eating habits of children.

The researchers also used magnetic resonance imaging that showed the role of the three regions of the brain that they wanted to study.

Children, who behave in ways that make them eat more, the part of the brain associated with being impulsive appears to be more strongly connected to part of the brain associated with inhibition.

In contrast, children who behave in ways that help prevent food, part of the brain associated with inhibition is connected more strongly compared to the part of the brain associated with impulsiveness, the researchers found.

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