International Peace Day 2018: 20 Peace Quotes that will make your day

International Peace Day 2018: Right to peace is the theme of this year
International peace day is every year celebrated to recognize the efforts of those who have worked hard to end the conflict and have promoted peace. The day was first celebrated in the year 1981 by the United Nations. The theme of International Peace Day 2018 is “Right to Peace”. Peace has a very deep meaning. It is required in each and every place of life. Be it Professional, political or even personal- Peace is really important. Here is a list of 20 Peace quotes which will make you feel optimistic and will make your day.
International Peace Day 2018: Here, we go!
1.”The focus of Flower is emotion and to make you feel peaceful”
2.”Peace is not the absence of Conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means.”
3.”Do not let others destroy your inner peace.”
4.” Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers and quietly building new structures.
5.”Peace is liberty in tranquility.”
6 “The life of inner peace, being harmonious and without stress is, the easiest type of existence.”
7 .”If you cannot find peace within you can’t find it anywhere else.”
8.”We don’t realize that somewhere within us all there does exist a supreme power who is eternally at peace.”
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9. “Peace is always beautiful.”
10.” All God wants of man is a peaceful heart.”
11. “A peaceful man does more good than a learned man.”
12.”Forgive others not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace.”
13. “Peace begins with a smile.”
14.” When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.”
15. “Live in the moment and forever be at peace.”
16.” Not everyone is going to accept, want or know how to receive your energy. Make peace with that and keep moving.”
17. “The measure of success is happiness and peace of mind.”
18.”Be filled with wonder and touched by peace.”
19.”Learning the art of ignorance can lead you to the path of inner peace.”
20. “Peace cannot be kept force. It can only be maintained by understanding.”
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