Humanities Stream Special: How to prepare for boards?

Dream, Believe and Do!
So students only few days are for boards, right? Are you ready? There is no need to scare. It’s not a big deal. Little bit of hard work and some important tricks will help you to score well in exams. We can understand that there is a constant pressure on you people to score good marks so that you can get admission in best Universities. Isn’t it? And this pressure leads to anxiety in students sometimes. You have to just keep yourself calm. Just prepare well for your exams. Don’t get confused.

Today, we will tell you tricks about preparing for Boards:
1. History: While the matter may seem too long, do not consider your course like a mountain. Students must remember that each book carries a different weight age in the board exam and final preparations must be done accordingly. Every book has different weight age. Students must remember to focus on important components of maps, which carry 10 marks. Students must remember the sequence of events and answer the questions in that order.
2. Political Science: It is important for students to focus on topics such as US dominance in world politics, South Asia in the post-cold war era, regional aspirations and conflicts, rise of new social movements and recent developments in Indian politics and Cuban crisis. Students must also be updated about current affairs. These are some important topics that you should not leave.
3. Sociology: Distinguish, contrast, compare, explain, discuss, enumerate – parameters that students must not forget while answering questions. While they must remember not to repeat any points, it is important for students to have a few concepts on their fingertips. Students should focus on terms – family and kinship, modern urbanization, modern demography, tribals, explanation of RTI Act and various definitions by Indian sociologists.
4. English: While the length of the subject might be significantly lesser than other subjects, the students must remember to brush up on all questions at the end of every lesson in the literature section. For the language section, teachers say the formats for some topics must be absolutely clear: notice, poster, advertisement, invitation and replies, letters – business, application and letters to the editor, factual description, report – newspaper and ordinary and articles.

Here are few tips to consider:
1. The chapters are given in chronological order, so prepare them in order and start with the first chapter of the book. Even if you have started with part 3, first read ‘Colonialism and The Countrymen’, then move on to the second chapter.
Also Read:A Complete Guide To Prepare For Pre- Boards: What Should Be Your Priority?
2. Students should give two days of time to each book and they should prepare in sequence. Maps should be done simultaneously. On March 22, they should sit down and leaf through all the chapters once to refresh their memory.
3. Although all three books — Parts 1, 2 and 3 — are important to study, students are advised to give special attention to the third book. Students must complete at least three chapters from the third book, including ‘Rebels and the Raj: 1857 Revolt and its Representations’, ‘Mahatma Gandhi and the Nationalist Movement: Civil Disobedience and Beyond’, ‘Understanding Partition: Politics, Memories, Experiences’, ‘Framing the Constitution: The Beginning of a New Era.
4. As far as books 1 and 2 are concerned, students must do chapter 1 ‘Bricks, Beads and Bones: The Harappan Civilisation’, which is quite easy, and from book 2, they can do ‘Kings and Chronicles: The Mughal Courts (c. sixteenth-seventeenth centuries)’, ‘An Imperial Capital: Vijayanagara (c. fourteenth to sixteenth centuries).
5 .Maps are important to study and can fetch you good marks, but it is not necessary to do the back exercises.
6. Do see previous years’ question papers for important topics. It will give you an idea.
Special Note: Defeat yourself everytime!
We are not against competition but we believe in healthy competition. Defeat your previous percentage. Everytime rather than competing with others you should compete with yourself. This will boost your self- confidence and give you are real picture of yourself.
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