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Google Doodle celebrates birthday of Wilbur Scoville

Wilbur Scoville was a pharmacist who was born in 1865. He was the man who pioneered the ‘Scoville Test’. This test is used to measure the ‘spicy heat’ of chilli peppers. He developed this test in the year 1912.



Google with its catch and small video on its homepage is celebrating the 151st birthday of Scoville. The video has cute animations and it engages the viewer, as the viewer is supposed to click on the sliding bar to neutralise the heat of the chilli peppers. This helps the viewers understand the level of hotness different peppers have.

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Harshita Bajaj

Harshita has a background in Psychology and Criminology and is currently pursuing her PhD in Criminology. She can be found reading crime thrillers (or any other book for that matter) or binge-watching shows on Netflix when she is not in hibernation.
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