Fundamentals Facebook Free basics helped only a dominant player

Taking a strong launch for increased competition in the provision of Internet services, Vodafone chief Vittorio Colao Group has spoken his mind on Free Fundamentals of Facebook, saying he was just helping “a key player” in India.
Zero-plan of the network in partnership with telecom operator Reliance Communications in India, offers free access to basic Internet services through selective partner websites.
Copy of net neutrality, Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has prevented operators from charging different rates for access to Internet-based content, dealing a blow to free Fundamentals controversial Facebook and other such plans.
The regulation implied that operators will have to charge the same price for the data used, regardless of their site or application that user accesses.
Facebook head Zuckerberg has come out in defense of the free bases (formerly the program time and again, arguing that it did not block or throttle other services and is not in conflict with the net neutrality.