On Wednesday, July 15th, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a 1500 crore Skill India program in the capital. The main focus of this program will be under privileged section of the workforce that according to the PM remains neglected and deprived of the right skills required to harness human resource in the country.
While addressing the public he said, “China is known as the manufacturing factory of the world and through the Skill India program, India will be the human resource capital of the world.” He also lay emphasis on the war that will commence along with the program; a war against poverty.
There is no dearth of human resource in India but a worker without top notch skills is better not required. Therefore, through vigorous and dynamic training of skills, the PM is quite positive about the change these skilled workers will bring in the future of this nation and in their personal lives as well.
Not only will this program increase the physical dexterity of an average Indian worker, through the right wages and perks, it will expand their standards of living and boost a rather lacking self-confidence.
Most developed nations worldwide might have the wealth and knowledge at their feet but they recognize the urgent need for human resources. Talking about this, the PM said, “People of India have huge capabilities and this has been recognised the world over since centuries. We have forgotten the skills. We have to regain those.”
To look at it this way; our IITians have made it in the most booming sectors of prominent countries. So it is time now for the ITIs (Industry Training Institutes) to prove their mettle and take complete advantage of the Skill India Program. So if you come across any under privileged talented men and women, you know what to talk to them about and send them through to.