Abraham’s sacrifice, a uniter of Jews, Christians and Muslims!

Abraham or Ibrahim, depends on whether you read the Bible (old testament) or the Quran, was a revered person, who on God’s command decided to sacrifice his own son. Just before he could do the act, God intervened, by sending Gabriel (Bible) or Jibran (Quran), his angel to inform him, that through his devotion, the sacrifice had already been accepted, so there was no need to physically sacrifice the son.
To commemorate this ocassion, muslims celebrate Eid-Ul-Azha by sacrificing a ram.
The Muslims and Jews also share what the Muslims call Al Aqsa Mosque, and the Jews Temple Mount as a very holy site. For the Muslims, this is the spot from which Prophet Mohammad took off to Heaven on his horse Al-Buraq, while for the Jews this is the spot from which God’s divine presence was manifested.
What ever the case, Judaism, Christianity and Islam all share common roots, and a lot of common saints and teachings.
Should not an ocassion like Eid-Al-Azha be used as a ocassion to unite people. Each praying to God in their own unique way?