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9 Travel Tips To Travel Like A Pro!

Travelling is one of the best things that you can do in the New Year. It is right on the top of the list, along with getting fit, spending less money, cutting down on drinking, party bus rental and so on. It opens up new perspectives in life and gives you a better sense of understanding this world around us. To help you get started on the right note, here are 9 travel tips to travel like a pro!

9 Travel Tips To Travel Like A Pro!

  1. Give Priority to Flight and Train Tickets

Whether you are travelling overseas or just taking a short trip to nearby town by a train, it is always a good idea to book your tickets well in advance. You not only stand to get a confirmed seat but you will also get it for a cheaper price. Additionally, when it comes to flight tickets, it is a well-known fact that travelling over the weekend is far more expensive than travelling on a weekday.

So next time you book your tickets, make sure that you are leaving during the week to enjoy the best price.


  1. Prepare a Rough Itinerary

When you are on the road, you are going to meet two types of travellers – those who like to plan everything to the dot and those who just like to wing it. Whatever may be the case, it is a good habit to prepare a rough itinerary – a rough plan of sorts that describes the journey you will take. You do not necessarily have to plan it extensively like a timetable but do just enough to know your next destination, dates, and when you are going back home.  

This also leaves a lot of room for spontaneity and adventures which, after all, is what travelling is about. And while you are at it, you can also research the things to do and places to visit during your trip.


  1. Pack Smartly

It can be quite challenging to pack for a trip, especially if it is your first time. Ideally, you do not want to over pack and carry things that you do not need at all. In other words, carry the essentials only. This includes the choice of clothes depending on the season, a small first-aid kit with medicines, travel-size toiletries and so on. Oh, and you can never go wrong by packing a small umbrella/raincoat, just in case.

Remember that many airlines charge a heavy baggage fee and as a result, you want your luggage to be as light as possible. This also makes it easier for you to move as well, particularly if you are carrying a backpack.


  1. Don’t Keep All Your Money in the Same Place

One of the mistakes that many novice travellers make is that they keep all their money in the same bag. You should avoid this. This is because if you lose the bag, then you are stranded in a foreign land with no money on you. Similarly, you should not put all your cash in the wallet either, in case it gets stolen. So, what do you do?

Split your money and keep it in separate places. It is as simple as that. Carry some cash in your wallet, some in your big bag and some in the small backpack that you may be carrying with you. If you have multiple debit/credit cards, keep them in separate places. Therefore, even if you lose one, you have others to rely on.

A pro tip: Always carry more money than your planned budget.


  1. Speaking of Money, Track Your Expenses

This one may seem like a downer but it is important nonetheless. It is quite easy to get carried away with money when you are on the road. Whether you want to buy drinks for your new friends or try something new, you can easily lose track of your budget.

The best way to manage your expenses would be to download a expense tracker app like the BankBazaar Mobile App. It helps you track your expenses and alerts you whenever the money goes in or flows out of your account. With a constant reminder like this, you will always be aware of your travelling budget and spend within your means.



  1. As Far as Possible, Make Hotel Reservations that Don’t Require a Deposit

While it is an excellent habit to book your accommodation in advance, you should try to book places that don’t ask for a deposit up front. Alternately, look for places that have the option of refundable deposits. In case you have to change your plan at the last minute and go to a different place, you won’t lose your money.

Also, for your first night at least, book your accommodation ahead of time. This way, when you arrive in the new city, you will not have trouble navigating and finding a place to stay. You can just go to your hotel from the airport, rest, and get ready for the next day’s adventures!


  1. Inform Your Family and Friends about Your Trip

Remember that part about having a rough itinerary? Give a copy of that to your family and friends so that they know where you are on any given day. You can also add accommodation details to this list. This way, they will not worry about you and should anything go wrong, they will know where to reach you.


  1. Don’t Cheap Out on Travel Insurance

Travel insurance is really important, especially if you are going overseas. Good travel insurance will cover a broad range of situations like medical care stemming from an unexpected accident, flight cancellations, luggage theft, and many more. Without proper insurance, all of this will be really expensive. Just imagine trying to book a last minute flight after your previous flight has been cancelled. Quite pricey, isn’t it?

There are many insurance providers out there that specialise in travel. Do your research diligently and check what exactly is covered as per the policy. You will find many plans – just pick the one that suits you the best.


  1. Take Care of Your Documents

Passport, visa, itinerary, reservation details, tickets, travel insurance, et cetera are some of the most important documents that you will carry with you while travelling. First up, check the visa requirements of the country you are visiting and make sure that your passport is valid for at least six months from the date you return.

After that, make multiple copies of these documents and store them in different places in your luggage. It is also a good habit to have a soft copy of these documents and keep them in your mobile/mail.

Always keep your passport in a safe place. Many hotels provide you with a personal locker to store your valuables. On the other hand, if you are required to keep your passport on you at all times, make sure you keep it in a hidden pocket!

Parting Thoughts:

We wish you all the best for your travel adventures! As long as you keep these pro tips in mind, you are bound to have a good time. Be safe, be responsible and don’t forget to have fun. With just a little bit of planning and care, there is no reason why you cannot have an amazing time.

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