30% Corals Reef are ALIVE, and diminishing fast

The beautiful pictures of coral reefs online we see with people swimming around it, are actually disappearing faster than anticipated similar to losing the rainforest.
According to noted marine ecologist Professor Peter F Sale, 70% of the world’s reefs have been destroyed or are almost being threatened. It is on the verge of a third global coral bleaching event.30% Corals Reef are ALIVE, and diminishing fast. The Great Barrier Reef and also in the Caribbean is decrease to 50% less than it was in the 70s.
The Paris COP 21 target of reducing emissions is limited as it doesn’t include the barometer of the oceans which absorbs more heat. The warming and acidification of oceans that occurs as excess atmospheric carbon is dissolved into the ocean water can leave coral reefs discolored, disfigured and extremely vulnerable.