National Hugging Day: Do you know the Power of a Hug?

National Hugging Day: A tight hug can make you forget all your worries and that is the Power of a Hug
National Hugging Day: Sometimes we feel exhausted and stressed out due to work pressure or any other reason. But do you know a hug can solve all your problems? Hugging therapy is a powerful way of healing. According to the research, hugging is extremely effective at healing sickness, disease, loneliness, depression, anxiety and stress. On this National Hugging Day Here, are several benefits of hugs which you should know

Here, are several benefits of hug which you should know:
1. The nurturing touch of a hug builds trust and a sense of safety. This helps you to communicate effectively.
2. On the health front, hugs can instantly boost oxytocin levels, which heal feelings of loneliness, isolation, and anger.
3. Holding a hug for a little long time lifts one’s serotonin levels, elevating mood and creating happiness.
4. Hugs also strengthen one’s immune system. So, if you have a weak immune system one hug can make you strong.
5. Hugs also boost self-esteem. From the time we are born in our family, everyone loves us and makes us feel special. The cuddles we receive from our Mom and Dad while growing up remain imprinted at a cellular level, and hugs remind us at a somatic level of that. Hugs, therefore, connect us to our ability to self-love.
6. Not only this, but hugging also relaxes our muscles. Hugs release tension in the body. Hugs also take away our pain.
7. Hugs balance our nervous system too which is very important.
8. Hugs teach us how to give and receive. There is equal value in receiving and being receptive to warmth, as in giving and sharing. Hugs teach us how love flows between the two.
Well, a famous family therapist Virginia Satir was quoted saying, “We need four hugs a day for survival. We need eight hugs a day for maintenance. We need twelve hugs a day for growth.”

Here, are 5 fascinating types of hugs which are extremely important:
Actions speak louder than words. So, of course, hugs can speak louder than your actions. Hugs can be of various types and every hug has its meaning. Here are various types of hugs you should be aware of and try this National Hugging Day.
The Protector Hug
The Protector Hug is about security or you can say it’s a safety hug. The person behind wraps their arms around the waist of the person in front, providing stability and taking on a protective role. This type of hug ensures a person that he or she can trust the person who is hugging him/her.
The Back stroke hug
A Backstroke hug is all about reassurance. Each person rubs the back of the other person, reminding each other just how much they truly care. This is the most comfortable kind of hug.
The Pat Hug
The pat hug is a friendly hug that everyone needs in life for survival. Each person gives the other a pat on the back as a signal of comfort. There is no sense of intimacy involved in this hug.
This kind of hug does not involve any kind of romance.

The reach around hug
Reaching around for hugs involves love and romance. The Reach Around is about two people who are truly partners in crime. One person puts a single arm around the other’s shoulder for a kind of half-hug. This hug is all about two people that are better off attached at the hip than attached romantically.
The Eye-to-Eye hug
This is the most beautiful hug in this world. The Eye-to-Eye is a hug that is all about the connection of the soul. Whatever form this hug may take, maintaining eye contact is of the utmost importance. This position is about deep love and personal kinship. Eyes are just like deep oceans so this kind of hug is of course exceptional.
So, what’s a hugging style?