Your FB pictures could be stolen to promote online porn!

According to a report, investigation done my Mail Today has revealed that thousands of pictures are being copied from the female users of Facebook by some groups to promote online porn.
Sharing cool pictures over internet is always fun unless you are targeted by groups, who are running social media pages to promote online sex. They can make you victim of any big crime just to earn money.
As per the report, these groups are equipped with good cameras and smart phones through which they click pictures of girls and then use them to promote pornographic content on social media.
Though, there are some groups, which are working to help the girls one such group is White- hat – hackers. But still there is no foolproof solution for the same.
Till then girls you can stay safe by following some basic rules.
• Do not accept request of any random person.
• Keep your account secure by privacy settings and turn on the notification of only friends.