When babies smile…

We all know how cute little babies have us wrapped around their little pinkies.
To find out just how much, scientists Javier Moveelan, Paul Ruvolo and Danier Messinger created a robotic baby to study the interactions.
The results were startling, as the study showed that a baby knows just how long to smile to keep a grown up smiling. They give short bursts of smiles, and the grown up continues to smile, thus making the grown up do most of the ‘smiling’ hard work.
With this study, they proved that babies are a lot more smarter than grown ups think.
So next time, do not underestimate the little tyke when they give you a little smile… or simply play along, because when a baby smiles at you, you feel so so special…and warm…and cuddly…and wanted…and the list goes on..