
What Are the Essential Components of a Fleet Safety Program?

Delve into the crucial elements necessary for a robust Fleet Safety Program. Explore meticulous driver recruitment, comprehensive training, technological integration, and the pivotal role of committed management. By incorporating these components, businesses can significantly enhance safety and minimize potential liabilities.

Crucial Elements for an Effective Fleet Safety Program

Fleet accidents can cost the business a lot of money depending on whether they cause injuries or fatalities. Businesses that do not have a fleet safety program put their drivers, fleets, and themselves in danger of being liable for accidents. There is also downtime and other costs to consider, making these programs essential for businesses with a fleet on the road. While there is no guarantee that accidents will not occur, including the following elements in your fleet safety program makes them less likely and reduces your liability.

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Have Robust Driver Recruitment Process

A fleet safety program should clearly outline the process of screening new drivers and the expected standards for each. The program should describe the expected performance of all drivers, when and how the business will evaluate and monitor performance, and disciplinary actions. It is important to contact an employment law attorney when putting together the list of disciplinary actions to avoid any legal issues when you implement them.

Develop Driver Training Programs

While all businesses should only hire competent and qualified drivers, they should consider having training programs for new and old hires. In doing so, it helps them sharpen their existing skills while learning new ones.

When developing this training program, have one for new hires, and a brush-up program for drivers who have been with the business for some time. Businesses should also consider a correctional program for drivers who are routinely involved in incidents such as aggressive driving, and progressive training that updates drivers on changes in regulations and compliance expectations.

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The progressive training program should also update drivers on new pieces of equipment that they should use to stay safe.

Use Technology to Keep Drivers Safe

Businesses with fleets of vehicles are embracing technology that keeps drivers safe and captures any incidents on the road. They can use options like the Netradyne Driveri system to capture thousands of data points about the driver’s actions, the vehicle’s behaviour, and what is happening on the road. Businesses can also use it to recognize safe drivers to reinforce positive behaviours and actions.

Commitment from the Management

A fleet safety program should involve everyone in the business, including the management. If those in the upper level do not support the program, drivers are less likely to care about it. They should, therefore, be highly involved to ensure it is working as expected and work with their drivers to make changes that benefit everyone involved. 

For example, a driver might suggest fewer hours on the road. This is a good suggestion because many commercial vehicles get into accidents due to driver fatigue. Embracing this and similar suggestions shows the business cares about and supports its drivers, while also helping protect itself from liability associated with an accident involving a tired driver.

A fleet safety program benefits everyone involved, particularly the business and its drivers. Implementing such a program requires a 360-degree view of the business and its fleet to identify problems and areas of improvement. It also requires collaboration between all parties involved in ensuring driver safety.

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