Twitter will now measure your life’s satisfaction

Confuse between happiness and sadness? Don’t worry Twitter is there to help you now; computer scientists including an Indian-American researcher have developed an algorithm to measure your life satisfaction on Twitter.
The key component of measuring the life satisfaction was two years of data from Twitter used by a team from University of Iowa.
The researchers have identified their study as different from most of the social media researches to measure the level of happiness because it looks at how a twitter handler feel about his/her life over a period of time instead of how they are felling currently.
The team of scientists have found out that people’s feeling remain steady over time not affected by any external events such as a sports game, earthquake in other country or an election.
This study has been a contrast to a previous social media research which was based on short term happiness and stated that people’s daily mood was affected by external affairs.
Users dissatisfied are more likely to use conjunctions, pronouns and profanity, and also more of the words such as “would”, “should,” “expect,” and “need” that may further express aspiration for future.
According to a researcher Srinivasan, researches like these are very much important as one’s satisfaction of life is the biggest component of happiness.