Social MediaTechnology

Twitter to expand character limit

Don’t you hate it when you are writing something and you are in the middle of writing your feelings, when all of a sudden you exhaust your character limit. Yes, I’m talking about twitter.



The 140 character limit of Twitter is a total killer. But, the good news is- Twitter is going to expand its character limit to 10,000! (Hurraahh!). This change is expected to come out by March.

This will make Twitter a lot like any other social media sites. The users will have to click and see the expanded text for tweets that are more than 140 characters. Jack Dorsey, the co-founder and CEO said that despite the change, twitter will not “lose the feeling”. This change can benefit people in a lot of ways and stop the numbered and continued tweet and the screenshot of texts.

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Harshita Bajaj

Harshita has a background in Psychology and Criminology and is currently pursuing her PhD in Criminology. She can be found reading crime thrillers (or any other book for that matter) or binge-watching shows on Netflix when she is not in hibernation.
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