Tweet Editing Feature is definitely needed, says Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey
Tweet Editing Feature is definitely need, but its implementation is difficult: Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey
According to a report, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey has now acknowledged that a tweet editing feature is ‘definitely needed’ by the social networking website as we are now heading into 2017. Though Dorsey has admitted in his posts on the website that the feature is required, but he seems to unsure about the implementation at the present.
Jack Dorsey on Wednesday asked Twitter users, “What’s the most important thing you want Twitter to improve in 2017?” In response to this question, Dorsey received requests for an edit option on Twitter.
Notably, in reply to one of these requests, Dorsey asked if the user wanted the edit feature for a limited after posting the tweet or without any time limitation.

For the editing feature, Dorsey has said that it is their most requested feature. Mostly to quickly fix mistakes. Anything beyond would need to show revision history. Notably, when a user suggested that editing feature should only be available for verified users, he hinted if the feature will be made available, it will be for all.
He seems to be in the favour of adding the feature; there is no guarantee that the social networking website will add the option right away. According to him, there are several complications associated and discussion regarding the feature is in its early stages. Introduction of the feature will take some more time. So we all need to wait till the feature finally gets introduced.
The tweet editing feature will enable to users to edit their posts. It will surely help many because a lot of time, a single tweet of person lands him or her in a trouble. We are looking forward and we hope the feature will soon get introduced.