Panasonic’s ‘StepFit’ device in stores now!

Panasonic India announced the launch of its new personal fitness trainer – StepFit – allowing you to take a further step towards its goal of fitness. The last exercise device allows users of all ages and levels of force to perform low-impact exercises.
The new device not only works in building body strength, but can also aid in weight loss by sending strong vibrations. These vibrations give rise to rapid muscle contractions that result in effective training of the whole body.
A 30-minute training StepFit translates into burning 360 calories, which is equivalent to running 6 km. It also helps to encourage integral body training, reaffirming muscles and relieve joint pain.
panasonic stepfit device
Adjust the gentle vibrations; this team will help blood circulation through the extremities, and increases metabolism user.
StepFit is available in all brand stores across India at Rs 39,990.