Top 10 Reasons for Leaving Job

From Bad Boss to Career Growth- What are the top reasons for leaving job?
While getting a job in itself is tough in the current marketplace, it is tougher to stay in a job that you don’t like or is not helping you grow. Hence, the decision of quitting the job is made. Leaving a job can be due to many push or pull factors. Push factors are those that make you want to leave the job, and pull factors are those that attract you to another job or lifestyle choice. So, let us look at the top 10 reasons for leaving job-
Career- Growth
When you work, you want the job to challenge you and excite you. You should be able to wake up daily and look forward to what lies ahead in the day. With a lack of clear progression in your career, the job just becomes mechanical and monotonous work that is of no help. Hence, people always look to do something that makes them see the future.
Poor Workforce Dynamic
There is nothing worse than having a bad boss. The people you work with and the people you report to have to be someone you can get along with. A poor management system is a big turn-off and one of the most common reasons people want to quit their job.
No Work Satisfaction
You work, you eat, you sleep, repeat. This is a common cycle for many, and living a life like this leaves no space to enjoy your work or derive any sort of happiness or satisfaction from it. It has been noticed that work satisfaction is the primary thing that keeps people in a job, and without it, people might as well leave the job.
Work-Life Balance
It is important to ensure that your personal and professional lives go well together. Work should not come home, and a boundary should be set to ensure that you enjoy your work at work and devote time for personal relations once out of the office.
Salary and Other Benefits
If a job makes you work twice as hard but doesn’t pay as much, it is bound to make you frustrated and feel undervalued. This leads to people leaving their job as people need to feel valued for what they do and what they have.
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Location and Relocation
Commuting to work daily is a huge hassle, especially if the distance is long. People prefer locations that are closer to their homes so that they save time and money on travel.
A change in your location, from one city to another, also acts as a reason to leave the job. With the current trend, people are looking for remote jobs that allow them to work from the comforts of their homes.
Change in Professional Line
Say you want a complete change of roles and want to change your professional line. What do you do? You look for a place that will accept your current qualifications and give you a job that allows you to work in the new profession and learn from scratch.
Health Issues
Mental and physical health both play a major role in the ability of an employee and their productivity. To ensure continued productivity, employees do take a temporary or permanent break from work to take care of their health first.
Following Other Passion
There have been countless incidents when people have left their high-paying corporate jobs to follow their passion for writing, traveling, dancing, and so on. Instagram influencers are full of such examples and a medium of hope that it is never too late to follow your passion.
Better Opportunity
Employees often leave a job when they get an opportunity elsewhere with better pay, benefits, and work culture. Inherently, people want to grow, and better opportunity is the stepping stone to that.