Why we should often talk about sex?

Why we should often talk about sex?
No matter how much we deny, we all, at least once in a day, think about sex. However, we shy away to accept the fact that it is not a big issue. It is scientifically proven that the more we suppress our bodily need, the more we tend to be frustrated. Let us tell you five reasons why you should express and talk often about sex.
It’s natural: We all need to understand that it is quite a natural phenomenon and nothing is bad about thinking or even having sex. It is as natural as you taking the nature’s call. At an early or later stage, we do need to answer certain questions that arise in our mind when it comes to exploring about our body. It is a journey that you take every time and discover something new about your body.
Half information could be dangerous: It is good to talk or discuss or search more about sex and also, to watch porn or any such video to gain as much information as possible. Considering the century we are living in, imparting knowledge to your kids that even a kiss can lead to pregnancy would be a stupid step, since internet gives them access to everything they want to know. It is high time that we teach our kids everything about the process, the outcome, the feeling, the good or bad or right and wrong, and everything else about intercourse.
Imagine they end up doing something wrong; you would not have any right to put blame on them because even you are equally responsible for their wrong actions.
It is healthy: What if we tell you that sex depicts your overall health? Yes, you read that right. The more sexually active you are, the more you are away from depression, sleeping disorders, diabetes, thyroid, cardiovascular diseases, neurological conditions, cancer, arthritis, fatigue syndrome and etc. However, sexually active does not mean you have to have sex everyday but it is also about the art of making love to your own self. Talk to a doctor about ways you can keep yourself sexually active without getting indulged in sex with a partner and the right techniques too. We don’t want you to hurt yourself in anyway
To know your sexuality: Knowing about sex can also help you to know your sexual interest, whether it is just the move or the gender. So, by getting yourself imbibed about this knowledge you would not end up being frustrated with a gender you might not want to make love to. You also get the knowledge of moves that arouse you and to know your weak points which would help you to have a good experience when you decide to have sex and also, you will be able to judge the feeling of with whom to have it.
Knowing about the preventive measures: Apart from every other information, most important is to know the things to be taken care while having sex- how to wear a condom, why to use a condom, how safe is it, reasons it would burst, knowing about contraceptive pills and other ways and also the side-effects of pills, how to keep a vagina or a penis clean and so on. Each and every information is really important because any mistake can lead to a life-threatening disease.
Also, it is really important to know the right source of information, DO NOT GOOGLE or discuss with friends only because they are a limited source of information for you. Talk to parents or a doctor to know everything in detail about sex.
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