Why it is important to learn the art of Diplomacy?

Art of Diplomacy, here is all you need to know
Diplomacy is often use in negative context, but it does not mean it is a negative term. Being diplomatic is also sometimes referred to as keeping your opinions to yourself or being a people-pleaser , but diplomacy doesn’t always mean not voicing your opinions or making yourself heard. In short, it means that being diplomatic people tend to avoid open fights. It’s good to be a straightforward person, but who said it’s bad to be a diplomatic person? But do you know diplomacy is an art, and learning art of diplomacy isn’t easy. To be diplomatic means to evaluate a situation before speaking or acting, and to take the best course of action without being bold. It requires the ability to interpret things, and knowing how and what to say to be diplomatic. While being diplomatic person in all the situations can highly difficult.

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Here, are few tips that will help you to become diplomatic person in positive sense.
1. Always think before you act: Even if you are angry or feeling offended due to some reason take a second to breathe and think things through before you say or do anything. Try to keep yourself calm and relaxed. It might seem difficult, and indeed it is difficult but it is very useful. It is very important if you are in a public situation, like addressing a rude salesperson in a retail setting.
2. Focus on the facts of the situation: It’s very important to evaluate the situation. Take a moment to step back and evaluate the situation objectively, and try to find the factual information before you without including your emotions.
3. Use decisive language: Try to use simple and polite language and state your points clearly so that the person or people you are addressing won’t misunderstand your points. There will zero chances of heat argument.
4. Avoid highly emotional situations: Situations where emotions play the game, diplomacy cannot find its place. Suppose if you are involved in a discussion that’s already emotional charged or argumentative, your attempts to be diplomatic will go unheard. Try again later. Suggest to the parties involved that everyone take a break and return to the conversation in five minutes when calm has returned. Remember being a mediator will allow you to be diplomatic with everyone involved without anyone feeling that you are taking sides.
5. Refuse to be interrupted: In order to be a diplomatic person you have to control your aggression in any way. Politely ask that the person interrupting you allow you to finish your thought and continue with your statement. Ask them to continue their thought after you have finished. But don’t yell on them.

6. Choose a diplomatic posture: We are not kidding, there is a proper diplomatic posture you can follow. Look into other people eyes when speaking and use a calm tone of voice. Relax any parts of your body that can become tense during opinionated discussions, like your hands, shoulders and brows. Avoid waving your hands when you talk as this can be viewed as aggressive or distracting.
7. Stand your ground: Don’t feel guilty that you are diplomatic person. Being diplomatic means standing up for yourself, so do it. Be firm in your responses and opinions and stand by them.
The great Kautilya once said, “One should not be too straightforward. Go and see the forest. The straight trees are cut down, the crooked ones are left standing.”
What do you understand by this statement? Discuss it in the context of public service. Also, throw light on ethicality of the statement. So, be a diplomatic person in order to accomplish your goals.
Characteristics of diplomatic communication
Here are some characteristics of diplomatic communication you can follow:
1. Sticking to the subject matter, being non-judgmental. Avoiding broad generalizations.
2. Using inoffensive language, avoiding rude and sarcastic remarks,
3. Flexibility on non-principal issues
4. A positive approach