Why do I have to chop onions every time? : It’s not my cup of tea.

The life I am leading was never my dream. I thought of a completely different world, where I could access the same rights as you. Why is my MBA degree a waste? Why do I chop onions and make salad daily in the kitchen? That was never my dream.
We hold same degree.. right? Then why do I feel like a slave in front of you and your family.
I thought you will help me to fly above the sky by helping me in fulfilling my dreams but you have cut my dreams into pieces just like the onions I am chopping right now.
Dear girls, this not only my story but the story of thousands of girls in India. If a boy is an MBA his parents can ask for higher dowry, if he works in a MNC he ask for expensive car, if he is independent he wants a smart wife but for us things don’t matter.
Even if you are educated and you don’t know how to cook, then you are not marriage material.
I can be clearly called a feminist but do you know I don’t believe in this term, fighting each other can’t help the World to grow. Both genders need to work for each other symbiotically, in synergy.
Last and most important thing, marriage is just a part of life not your life. A Person who cannot respect your dreams don’t deserves to be in your life.
So, next time, don’t pick a knife to chop onions rather raise your voice for your rights.