What To Do On Weekends!

What To Do On Weekends!
‘Thank God it’s Friday!’
We all want rest and we all want a break from our regular routine, that’s why we feel happy when it’s Friday,right?
So what are your plans for the weekend?
If you don’t have any plans, here are some interesting ideas to rejuvenate your weekend with your family.
Visit a planetarium: If you have an interest in science and space, you can probably visit a nearby planetarium in your city. Interestingly, it is the best time yo visit a planetarium, as they have some specialized shows on the weekend.
Spend time with kids: Kids can help you to reduce your stress. So, you can go and spend some time in a crutch or an orphanage. Trust me if you will try it you will definitely be benefited. You will feel happy as well as emotionally stable.
“Life is full of stress and work; I am also fed up of sleeping every weekend and partying. I have started spending time with children. It gives me immense happiness and a stress free weekend”, says Urvashi Chatterji.
Visit a spa: If you have had a very hectic schedule the whole week and feel very tired, you can visit a spa and can have a nice treatment. Just think of it, what better way is there to relax you after a long week at work? This way you can also take care of your skin.
Visit an old friend: Friends are a vital part of our lives, but with the passage of time their importance diminishes in our life because we don’t have time to meet them. So, rather than sleeping or being lazy, you can go and meet your buddies and can rejoice your memories.
Take a test drive of your dream car: We all have dream car, don’t we? You can call a local dealer and can organize a test drive for yourself. If it is expensive you have to just sound a little fake on phone like you can afford one. What could be nicer than driving your favorite car?
Cook food for your mom: Mom is the one who cooks really delicious food for us daily. Yes, you have a hectic schedule for an entire week but on weekends you can give her a full rest and can cook her favorite food for her.
“I do have a hectic schedule and for an entire week I don’t even get time to communicate with my mother. So, on weekends I cook food for her and my dad and have a candle light date with them. This gives us a great platform to talk and to share some warm moments with each other”, Says Abhishek,a hotel management student.
If you still have not planned your weekend, choose one of the above plans and have fun on your weekend!