What Makes a Metro ride so special!

What Makes a Metro ride so special!
Blue, Yellow, Violet, Green, Orange or Red, so, which one of Delhi Metro you take to reach your place? Well, just like our rocking capital, Metro ride here is a unique experience. Crazy, freaky, strange or mad, choice is yours whatever you like to call your journey.
If you have travelled in Delhi Metro then you will surely agree to what we have in store for you but if you haven’t then you are definitely missing all the fun.
Here’s a list of what makes a metro ride special.
• Crazy Crowd: No matter whatever time of the day you travel, you will always feel Delhi travels by Metro. It seems like the whole city is out at that time.
• The phonoholics: They will keep on using their phones without any reason! Just to check their random messages or some new updates on social networking or simply plug in for some music. They get so engrossed in their phones that they forget it’s a public place and people need space to move about.
• The cool gang: Bunch of cool college goers can make anybody think, what is this fish market? Because they will talk loudly with each other laugh on some stupid jokes. Dare! Anyone say anything to them because then they will give a tough look as they own Metro.
• Let me sleep: (Poor people I think they work a lot) Can you sleep if someone yells on your head? No, right? But some people in all Metro rides can. They will take the seat and interestingly, in next two minutes they will fall asleep so deep that they would forget where they have to get down.
• Let me study because I have to top: There is hardly any space and people are not able to stand, amidst this imagine someone revising or making notes. Wow! Either too hard working or hardly working! What can’t they study at home? By the way, what were they doing the entire semester?
• Please shift: Where should I shift? Should I fall on other person? Yes, they will make you think the same because they will keep on nagging to shift a little bit despite the fact that there is no space.
• The Racers: Right from the entry gate to boarding the Metro they will run as if it is the last train. Relax! Metro comes after every two minutes.
• Chit- chat group: They have countless list of topics to talk about, from their colleague to their neighbors and their bosses, they would discuss everything under the sun.
• Frustrated people: I am warning you so, that nobody can blame me. One can meet people in Metro who are really frustrated either they would be fighting on phone or they can find any excuse to fight with you.
• Love Birds: I think our city is running short of a nest that’s why most of you will find so many love birds standing beside you in Metro. Definitely one can find them stupid but they think it is trendy.
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