What happens when you travel on the Mumbai Local train for the first time?

For any outsider, traveling on the Mumbai local train for the first time is no less than a nightmare. Here is what happens if you do-
1. You get confused. You don’t know where to get the ticket from.
2. Which platform to go to. Here? There? Where?
3. You will get pushed out of the train if you don’t hold your ground
Local Train travel in Mumbai
4. You will get pushed in the train at a crowded station.
5. You will die if you travel during the peak office hours.
6. You will have to fight for a space.
7. Running on the platform to get to the train.
8. You might get up at the handicapped compartment.
9. You may not realize the difference between first class and second class for the longest time.
10. And last but not the least; you will get angry with all the pushing, shouting and wildness.