We are not in a relationship but we are in a ‘Flirtationship’

I don’t know how many of you are familiar with the term called ‘Flirtationship’ but if you don’t know let me tell you. It is more than friendship and less than a romantic relationship.
Here are five undeniable signs that you are in Flirtationship.
• You people constantly flirt with each other. Either through exchanging messages or by showing different gestures.
• He cares for and you also. You people share all secrets and are involved in each other’s every decision.
• There are diverse feeling but you are not sure to take this relationship forward.
• You people continuously exchange messages, sometimes naughty ones also.
• There is a confusion about him/ her because you he/ she is not the right person.
Well, guys choice is yours if you feel happy around each other and are compatible with each other. Dating is not a bad idea.