Ways to deal with a ‘Depressed Person’

Depression is most common disorder these days through which people are going through. Not only in India but the entire world is a victim of this deadly disorder. We say it’s deadly because in some cases it can even force person to opt for suicide.
Depression isn’t a problem that can be solved instantly; it’s something much more complex and incomprehensible. Family and peer support are best healers of depression.
Here, are few things you should say to a depressed person:
1. I Can’t Fully Understand What You Are Going Through, but I Know It Must Be Hard To Deal With
2. What Kind of Thoughts Are Bothering You
3. This Is Not Your Fault If Things Aren’t Working Out
Ways to deal with Depression
4. Did I Ever Tell You That I Like This Quality Of Yours( try to boost their self esteem)
5. Don’t Hesitate From Calling Me Or Reaching Out To Me, even If It’s Midnight
6. No Matter How Much You Push Me Away, I Am Not Leaving you
7. Do You Want To Go Out Somewhere, For A Walk Maybe