Types Of Crushes

Types Of Crushes
Do you remember your first crush? Well, we all have crushes in our life, some are funny and memorable but it may also happen that you put your hand into the jar of jelly belly and pull out a buttered popcorn in the first try. Crushes are very innocent and probably make us remember our young days. But do know there are various types of crushes, find out which one is yours.
• Unattainable crush: This crush is the one we can’t get in our life as it can be on a celebrity or on a man / woman who is already married. We really like them and fantasize about them but we know that we can’t attain them.
• Teacher crush: School and college days are the golden days of one’s life and if you have a crush on a teacher then that can make your studies more interesting as you are always filled with euphoria to attend that class. You occupy the front seat so that he/ she would notice you.
• Best friend’s boyfriend crush: It is a little weird but many of us have had a crush on our best friend’s boyfriend but it all depends on you whether you want to have that guy or your friend. It is normal but revealing it can be really dangerous at times.
• Boss Crush: You can surprisingly have a crush on your boss as he may be really attractive and his unique qualities can act as a magnet for you. If he/she is single you can go ahead and try your luck.
• Guy in a store: Do you repeatedly visit a store just to get glimpses of a particular guy or simply to converse with him, he may be your crush. It is really childish but yes many of us do have such kind of crushes.
• Dengue Fever Crush: Dengue fever occurs two weeks later after the bite of a mosquito. You really don’t know when but at least you know because you can feel the chills. Similarly, it happens in this crush that you start liking a person whom you were not noticing earlier.
“I had a girl in my college and we were not even friends and I hardly noticed her in class. Once I had a conversation with her about the notes and I don’t know what happened to me at that moment only. I really liked her and eventually I used to fantasize about her” says Kunal Khatri.
• Same Sex Crush: Usually we have a crush on the opposite sex but there are people who experience the same sex crush. People keep it a secret but it is really interesting to feel different for the same sex.
“I had a friend in school and she was really pretty, her fixes, attitude all was just very unique. I used to copy her and eventually I found that I started feeling for her. Though, it is really weird but after all feelingis feeling but I never confessed it in front of her” says Jagriti Kathuria.
• Hate Crush: This type of crush is really interesting as the person you hate the most becomes your crush. You both are just like two poles in different directions but you still want to be together and have feelings for each other.
“We had a fight on every small issue but I really wanted to stick around him. Every time we fight, he looks very cute” says Sabina Khan.
• Romantic Crush: Sometimes, having a crush on someone doesn’t mean that you really have a crush on them in a romantic way but if you fantasize about kissing, holding hands, or cuddling with that person you probably have a romantic crush.
Crush is a burning desire to be with someone very attractive and special so if you have a crush on anybody, confess it boldly to him and enjoy the moment.