Things that Delhi University has taught us!

Things you wouldn’t learn if you are not a Delhi University student, here few things that Delhi University has taught us
Delhi University is a dream for a lot of students. And no doubt it is the prestigious university of the country. Getting admission in Delhi University is a dream for most of us. It has an element that attracts the huge mass of students in it. But you know what guys real struggle starts when you actually gets into a college. From farewells to college fests you will learn how to deal with the pressures. Here are few things that Delhi University has taught us.

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Here are few things that Delhi University taught has taught us, and if you are not a student of DU then you must need to learn these things:
(1) Our faculty always told us to admire top colleges of DU. But what important is that your company not the college. I’d you are in top college of DU but do not have good friendship circle it is of no use. So what matter us friendship group not the college.
(2) Elections is a hyped issue in Delhi University. You will definitely gain some insight of politics. From the nomination, to the campaigning, the fights, etc., we have a first-hand experience about it. This is one thing only a Delhi University student can understand.

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(3) DU colleges are always remain active in organizing the trips. These trips make you learn new things through different experiences. We come across new people, new places etc. You will become adventurous.
(4) Being a student of DU you will become independent as well. The students who are not from Delhi, become independent by dealing with everything on their own. Not only these students, even Delhiites who live in Delhi NCR, learn travelling on their own through cabs, metro and whichever public transport they get.
(5) DU colleges will make you learn how to deal effectively with stress. You will do everything in last minute but then you will learn how to deal or work under pressure.

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(6) Attendance is not always an issue. You can easily bunk a lecture if you don’t like it. It will never cause a guilt in you. When it comes to attendance DU is the best college.
(7) “Unity in diversity” this is what Delhi University will taught you. DU is the perfect blend of a student hailing from different parts of the country. If you will go to Venky you will encounter lot of North East students.