THANKSGIVING: What Are You Thankful For?

THANKSGIVING: What Are You Thankful For?
“Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving.”
It’s that time of the year when we pause to count our blessings and thank the Lord Almighty and our family and friends for our happiness and prosperity. On the fourth Thursday of every November, people, especially Americans, get together for a day of feasting. Although the history and origins of this custom are challenged, the popularly held belief is that it took place in the Plymouth Colony, in the present-day Massachusetts. Then President Abraham Lincoln declared it a national holiday in 1941.
The traditional Turkey Source
Amongst the various traditions of Thanksgiving, the celebration by feasting on Turkey is perhaps the most practiced all over. An elaborate meal is prepared with stuffing and servings of mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie. However, the highlight is the Turkey prepared either by roasting, baking or deep frying it. Families and friends get together, and in the spirit of Thanksgiving, thank each other and say their prayers. People also volunteer to prepare dinner for the less fortunate so as to include them as well in the festivities.
Another tradition of Thanksgiving involves the marching of huge parades where people get down on the streets with marching bands, performers and giant cartoon shaped balloons. It is said that Snoopy the dog has appeared the most number of times in Thanksgiving parades as a giant cartoon balloon.
The fanfare and the parade of Thanksgiving Source
Thanksgiving as a tradition is celebrated by cultures across. As a festival celebrating the bountiful harvest it is in much the same way celebrated in India in the form of Lohri. In other cultures as well, like the Greeks, Egyptians and Romans, the harvest is celebrated by paying tribute to the Gods as well as by having a gallant feast.
With fast disappearing boundaries, in this day and age, a lot of cultural exchange of customs and values is happening. Cultures across gain information about the traditions and practices of other cultures, and when we look closely there is such striking resemblances in the way we organize ourselves as groups. In the same spirit, let us embrace the festival of Thanksgiving and let ourselves join in the traditions. As the year is nearing an end, and another eventful year is beckoning, let us pause and think about what made us happy this year. Or perhaps, what are we thankful for in life.
The traditional Thanksgiving meal Source
The strife in life will always be a reality; however, there are some good moments and happiness that we manage to store. We open this discussion to you, for you to share with us, what makes you happy. Go on; share with us “What are you thankful for?”
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