Teacher A light in the dark

Teacher: A light in the dark
Gurur Bhrama Gurur Vishnu Gurur Devo Maheshwaray
Gurur Sakshaat Para Bhrahma Tasmai Shri Guruwe Namah
To be on a right path all we need is a good guidance and that can be given by anyone and if anyone teaches you something that has been very effective for you in leading your life then that person is your teacher. Right from the moment we are born, we have our parents who teaches us how to walk, eat, wash ourselves etc. they become our first teachers.
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Teacher or Guru is a word which in itself carries immense respect no matter what happens. Yes it is true that in modern time’s teachers are just those who enter the class, brief it and leave, but in our whole span of life we do meet people who teach us in a way that they make a special place for themselves in our heart. Learning is a never ending process, so there is no age to learn or start something new. The process keeps on continuing till our last breath.
Gurumadhye Sthitaa Maata Maatrimadhye Sthitoo Guru
A teacher resides in a mother and a mother resides in a teacher.
It is said that our mother is our first guru. A child and a mother are connected even before the child’s birth and the child knows everything its mother is thinking right from the moment it is in her womb and all that the fetus learns during its stay in the womb does directly or indirectly effects the brought up or nature when it enters the world and starts growing up. A mother teaches what is wrong and what is right throughout her life. She becomes the first guide to answer every question which a child needs to know about this world.
As a child grows up, he or she meets different teachers at different stages of life. In schools/colleges teachers shows the best path to follow and teach how to face life’s challenges. Some teachers might be aggressive while some become our favorite because they are quite gentle and kind to us. Some teachers are so close that we can never forget them and few teaches us to ‘KNOW’ about ourselves and that there is no better task in the human kind than to spread knowledge.
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Vidya dadati vinayam vinaya dhyati patrataam
Patratwa dhanam aapnoti dhanrdharmam tatasukham
(Knowledge gives you humbleness, being humble you become a good learner, a good learner makes you earn more and learning more eventually makes you earn more money.)
We make a lot of mistakes in life, sometimes we learn and sometimes we do not but we gradually realize that even mistakes teaches us a lesson of life. There is a saying mistake is our best teacher. However, there is a huge difference in our real life teachers and hypothetical teacher ‘mistake’ as mistakes first punishes you before teaching you a lesson whereas a teacher makes you understand at first. So, why there should be only a single day to celebrate or respect teachers?
There is no gift in this entire universe which can be compared to knowledge, it is the best gift. We can never pay back to what our teachers gave us, however all that we can do is to be thankful to them. Materialistic things might give moment happiness but respect and gratitude is the best way to thank them for the knowledge they have imparted. This is the best time to make your teacher feel how great they are, not because there is no other good time but because there is no other time better than NOW. If you live nearby do visit them and if you can’t, then pick up the phone, dial their number and tell them how special they are for you. In fact, the best way is to spread the knowledge is to teach a person who wants to learn as only the knowledge has the strength to remove darkness from one’s life and to fill it with brightness.
Ajnyaana Timiraandhasya Jyaananana Shaalaakayaa
Kshakshur Unmiilitam Yena Tasmai Shrii Gurave Namah
(Salutations to the Guru who removes the darkness of ignorance from our blind eyes by applying the maverick light of Knowledge.)
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