So, What if I am a Bookoholic?

So, What if I am a Bookoholic?
Book, a cup of coffee and probably a quiet environment, but then if quiet environment is not available who cares? All that a Bookaholic needs is a book! No matter what place, terrace, garden, bedroom or even a crowded public place, they just hang around with their book.
People around Bookaholic sometimes call them crazy, freaky, strange or even weird because according to them how can someone keep on reading all the time but Bookaholic just chill out with their books.
Here’s a list of ‘bother-not’ from the heart of a Bookaholic…
• No! We are not crazy: What if you shop a lot or eat so many chocolates then are you crazy? No, right! Similarly, we also just love to read so just relax people we are not from another planet.
• Books are our first love! Yeah. I know it can be a heart break for so many people but darling we can’t help if books are our first love and we are not afraid of confessing.
• Sorry! We can’t lend our books: Yes, we have a collection of books after all we are book lovers! But guys lending a book is bit of a difficult task for us. Please buy it for yourself. They are available at every bookstore!
• By the way who’s that? (We have not read all authors in this world) Just because we keep on reading books that doesn’t mean that we have read them all. So, people try to understand we are Bookaholic not Wikipedia.
• We are not boring: Our friends tag us as Ms. or Mr. Nerd, – who says books are boring? Guys we are extremely rocking people apart from our books we like to stick around our friends too.
• It hurts when movie version of a book gets everything wrong: When a book gets converted into a movie and it gets everything wrong it hurts! Really it hurts.
• Being emotional is not a crime: It is alright to emote with a book! We are not crazy, we are just reacting to emotions inside while reading.
• When we are caught in classroom reading our favorite Book: Well, friends I need not explain what happens next?
• I carry two three books and that’s okay with me: I can read more than one book in a day after all people watch different channels at the same time.
• Freaky Bookmarks: We love to make it or buy different types of Bookmarks and we all have our own style.
So, Bookaholic say cheers! And carry on with your Books.