So, he is my Mr. Right!

Wish you a very happy wedding anniversary. We are celebrating one year of togetherness and today, I want to thank you for ruining me completely.
I was an independent individual before getting married to you.
Right from taking care of my debit and credit cards, to ensuring whether my phone is charged before leaving for my workplace, to nagging me to have lunch on time. You have just ruined my habits.
I do not even know about your basic likes, dislikes, habits, but you never forget to switch off A/C in the middle of the night because you know I cannot take it for longer time.
I never believed in arrange marriages but my mind has changed after spending an entire year with you.
I realized that it was an altogether different experience of my life. I really enjoyed the journey of falling in love.
Though, I have still not confessed my feelings in front of you as I was unhappy from our marriage, you know it right?
I can clearly recall that day, when we met for the first time and I served you tea full of chili flakes. I warned you to say a no for me. Your mom also warned you after watching my behavior but even then , you said a yes.
Thank you for committing that mistake darling, nobody could have loved me like you did.
I never allowed you to share the bed with me but you were always there to share my grievances and my sorrows.
I never wanted to make you a part of my life, but now I cannot imagine my life without you.