Signs You Are In A Wrong Profession

Signs you are in a wrong profession
There are many ways to find out if you belong to the profession you are working in right now. One of the signs could be that you don’t feel like going to the office and when on your desk, you can think of everything, from the weather to staring at the wall, but not work and adding to all this, if you crave for the weekend to come as soon as possible then you surely are not enjoying the job. The reasons can be many but let us look at a few pointers to help you understand that it is indeed a high-time for you to change your job:
Left alone: “Lonely I’m Mr Lonely,
I have nobody, For my own” Well, if the moment you reach office you switch to this Akon’s song in your playlist then you do not belong to the place you are in. It is quite possible that you might not gel with people around you due to ego-clashes common in a workplace. But not being on talking terms with even one of the employees certainly points out that you don’t enjoy their company and it is time for you to change your ‘company’.
No big projects: You have never been chosen to take up any new projects or given the chance to be in charge of a team. And when it comes to a choice, you become the last choice of the team leader or your boss because they think you are incapable of achieving the set goals and are not interested in working. You might not be able to catch the signs but they are just telling you that you are not fit for this work.
You have never received salary hikes and not been promoted: Promotion and salary hikes do play a big role in motivating a person to perform better in their respective jobs. However, when the entire organization is being given hikes in their pay every year and you haven’t moved an inch further in your CTC since a few years then it may be a sign for you to either change your profession or change your organization. If you are the only one who hasn’t received a raise then it is a sign that you are bad at your job and your bosses are not satisfied with your work.
If you have applied for promotions or various other positions in the same company but your bosses have never given any consideration to it then it is a sign for you that they probably think you aren’t fit for the position. Especially if you have seen your colleague being promoted but you have been staying where you were since a couple of years, then you might want to reassess the work you do.
You are always overwhelmed: When you get minimal amounts of work to do but still you feel you are overloaded with work whereas others around you are wandering freely all around the work place. Or when you take a lot of time to complete a simple task and when your employer only gives you simple tasks, rather than more meaningful tasks, it may be a nice way of letting you know that you do just enough to keep the job in your hands but aren’t working in the right field of career.
We spoke to some Human Resource managers to know about what they think are the signs to know that a person is unsuitable for a job position and how one can develop their interest on whatever field they are in right now, and these were the responses given by them: “It totally depends upon the questions we ask to assess their skill set. If the person is unable to answer then of course he isn’t fit for the particular job profile. However, if one manages to get a position he or she isn’t interested in, then they should keep themselves self-motivated and should have the zest to excel without which it would be very difficult to stay in the profile,” says Pavni Karthik, HR in a renowned company.
On other hand, Reema Abrol said that she feels one can know if he or she isn’t correct for the job profile he or she is in, by the way they make excuses. Personality also plays a bigger role in understand the attitude of the employee towards their work, bad dressing sense, casual clothes in office etc. She believes that one should be attentive, alert, should have the correct attitude and confidence. If she or he isn’t in the profession they have chosen then they should observe themselves and find opportunities that suits their interests. Also, it is always good to seek guidance and motivation to perform well in future.
Picture Credits : Neel Kamal Pandey