Say no to depression, here are simple ways to tackle it

Do not lose hope and say no to depression
In today’s ever moving world, depression easily catches up with you. It is a heart-sinking feeling where one does not feel like doing much work, looses hope and energy altogether.
Teenagers these days are more to falling for depression after some failed relation, peer pressure and even pressure to score in board exams. Fighting depression is not easy but is important. It is like a drug which if not left at a certain point of time, could destroy one’s life forever. Let’s have a look at few ways to fight depression:
Stay connected
Instead of closing yourself down from the world, it is very important to reach out to your friends and family and stay connected to them. Talk to them about what is bothering you; seek advice from ones who know you well. Neglecting people will do no good to you anyway.
Do what you like
Everyone has something or other activities which they enjoy getting involved in. Activities which provide them pleasure and help them in forgetting about the million negative things that surrounds you. Some find pleasure in reading or playing video games or gyming etc. What’s important is for you to feel relaxed and enjoy life.

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Eat healthy food
Consuming healthy food without skipping a meal will help you in keeping your mind in place. Depressed people generally get irritated at little things and lash out at their dear ones without meaning to do it. Reduce the consumption of sugar, caffeine, alcohol, trans-fats and carbohydrates. These elements negatively affect your brain and body.
Avoid negative thoughts
People these days at tend to make out negative of every given situation, especially if depressed. Instead negative thoughts should be avoided at all costs. You will feel worthless at times but remember all the times when you actually did something good and shoo all the negative feelings away. Remember the mantra; ‘Think positive’ and everything will be fine.
If nothing works, seeking help from a professional is recommended.