Public Display of Affection: What public has to say about it?

Public Display of Affection: What public has to say about it?
India is a country of values and culture and we are widely known for it across the globe. Everyone amongst us proudly says that we are growing, we are developing but still we are a country where women are insulted and looked down on, children are abused, one of the top countries with cases of human trafficking and what not. We are progressing but doesn’t it seem like our thoughts are still stuck to the old-school learning? With section 294 (a) coming into picture, it has become little difficult for people to understand if they are really living in a democratic country.
If you are unaware of this section 294 (a) under Indian Penal Code of Indian Constitution then let us brief you little about it. Section 294 (a) clearly states that any obscene acts and songs or anyone who enacts obscene acts in a public place or sings recites or utters any obscene song, ballad or words in or near any public place, which would bother, irritate any other person around shall be punished for the offence. The punishment can be imprisonment for a term which may extend to three months or with fine or both.
Since this section has started to come under practice, people are being arrested just because they hugged in a public place for a little longer or were caught kissing. But how justified is this? One World News spoke to a few people from different walks of life to know what they think about this section and if given a chance what changes would they want to make. Here are the responses that we gathered:
“Arresting just for hugging and kissing is not at all justified. We are no more living in an era where girls and boys are judged on the basis of their choices or lifestyle. It is quite common between friends to exchange hugs and kisses and people who are objecting should mind their own business because such gestures are not damaging at all. If one has to ban something in real terms then peeing in public should be banned because if display of hanging genitalia making a trajectory is fine for people then they should also be fine with a couple expressing their love.” Says Abhinav Shukla, MBA student.
“According to me, the section should have been described properly because right now it is unclear and giving out chances to people and even the public servants to hold anyone responsible for any small acts like hugging and kissing which is very normal in the age we are living in.” says Aditya Vashisht, Litigation Lawyer.
Siddhant Mago who works in the corporate sector says, “It is stupid! It clearly depicts the closed mind set of people in our society. It contradicts the concept of democracy.”
If on one side people are against it, we also find people who are for it:
“Well, it is wrong if we think about it but the kind of society we are living in, it is important to keep a self-check and keep an eye around what is happening. With the number of rapes and abductions going up every day, one cannot really say what might develop sexual feelings in another person. So, this section would at least keep people from showing-off their love.” says Manisha Singh, a banker.
“People should go and find a private place to shower love on each other. There is no need to show it in public making everyone around insecure and uncomfortable. One should think what effect it would make on the minds of children or youngsters around. I think such controls should be there in the society and I am for it” says Archit Khanna, a student.
Deciding if it is right or wrong is difficult, but we definitely feel that the law should be crystal clear with no scope for misinterpreting it. We have got mixed reactions for PDA under Section 294 (a) of IPC, let us know what you have to say about it and if given chance what changes you would like to bring to this section, you can send your response at
Picture Credits : Neel Kamal Pandey