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LUCID DREAM: Awake when asleep

LUCID DREAM: Awake when asleep

What if I tell you that you can control your dreams? What if I tell you that you can be God of your own mini universe? It might be a little hard to believe at first, but we live in a world of infinite possibilities and this, too, is possible through Lucid Dreaming. Of whatever we dream, our dreams are based on experiences we have ever had in our entire lives, though the source for all may not be known. Whenever we see something that is very incongruent, our brain realizes that it is a dream and we become conscious.

LUCID DREAM: Awake when asleep


Lucid dreaming is a state between REM sleep and being awake.

Lucid dreaming has been practiced for thousands of years. It is believed that even ancient Egyptians practiced this art. A letter by St. Augustine dating back to 415 A.D read “Your body is asleep but in your brain your mind is bright and awake and awareness is now in your brains own created dream world.”This has led to the discovery of the fact that people even in the 5th century practiced lucid dreaming. Lucid dream is not a rare thing, 20% of people have at least one lucid dream every month. In fact the chances of a videogame player having lucid dreams are a lot more than ones who don’t play video games.

LUCID DREAM: Awake when asleep


While Lucid dreaming one can feel joy, sadness, pleasure and all forms of emotions except pain. The two most popular lucid dreaming activities are flying and sex.

Lucid dreaming is a learnable skill that anyone can do with a little bit of practice. It promotes personal growth and self-development, enhances self-confidence, and improves mental and physical health. It is a skill that is also used by Tibetan Buddhist monks to attain enlightenment.

So, let us all hop into a magical mystery ride of our own and discover ourselves.

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