Love Over Meals

Love Over Meals
They Say that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. It’s true that it’s not just confined to a specific gender; it applies to both the sexes. After all, who doesn’t like food? So what better way can there be to express your love, than with food?
Set up the table Source
According to anindependent study in Dallas, Texas,it was observedthat partners, who had their meals together, often have a happy and healthy relationship. It has also been observed and remarked upon, that couples who go out on dinner and brunches often, revisit their relationships and lives with fresh eyes.
Given below, are some tips, which will help in making your everyday meals more romantic.
Breakfast is considered to be the most important meals of the day, as you eat after a break of some 8-9 hours. Our body requires the right amount of energy and nutrients, so try to make the breakfast healthy for your partner and for yourself.
Remember to take time out for breakfast, no matter how early, you have to go for work. Morning has a freshness associated to it. So, morning conversations with your partner will be energetic and positive.
While having your breakfast, try not to use your phone. If you are reading the news, read it aloud, so that both of you can actively participate in it, although, it is always better to discuss your day’s plans with your partner. It strengthens the relationship.
Take ownership of the preparation of the breakfast. You can do it alternatively. It always feels good to be pampered. So why not go an extra mile, and prepare bed tea for your partner, during the days, when you are up early?
You can also surprise your partner/ spouse, by taking them out for brunch, during weekends. They are saying, Brunch is the new Romanic meal. So crack open a lobster or split a celery, at times!
1)If your workplaces are near and if your lunch breaks collide, you can have lunch together at times. You can also bring your colleagues, to join you for lunch, as lunch is considered to be a more social meal. Socializing also helps strengthen the relationship.
2)During weekends, why not prepare some Mexican food like quadrilles, tacos or burritos and enjoy the day with movie marathons?
3)During the weekdays, you can also pack lunches for your partner. You can also slip small love notes in the lunchbox, at times. It is cheesy, but who said being cheesy was bad? Trust the classics; it will bring a smile on your partner’s lips when reading the note, while going through heaps of work.
Prepare meals togetherSource
Dinner can also be termed as the cupid’s meal. Dinners, for centuries, have been considered the most intimate meals. Hence, having dinner together is really important in strengthening the relationship.
1)If you are home early, prepare the meal. Set up the table, use candles. Get some Champagne or wine to complement the dinner. Make it lavish!
2)It might not be possible to prepare a three course meal every day, but it doesn’t hurt to do it sometimes. Try to experiment with different cuisines.
Prepare simple yet appetizing meals, for other days, while at least once a week, prepare a three course meal, with appetizers, entrée and finish it off with desserts.
3)Appetizers are very easy to make, while you can experiment with simple soups to frozen cocktail companions. Desserts too can be bought on your way home. Just garnish it with fruits of your choice.
4)Talk about your day and listen to what the other has to say. Support or discuss if any one of you had difficult a day and celebrate if you had a happy one. Flirt and slip in suggestive words, play with words and throw in innuendos in your talks.
5)They say that in a relationship, there is nothing called a three course dinner, dinners have four courses. The fourth course, of course is the lovemaking.
Have meals togetherSource
Apart from these, you can also do a few things which would keep the flame burning with flourish. Do the dishes together. It is a great stress buster. Pour in some after dinner wine, like Port or Blanc. Give backrubs. If you are late, you can bring flowers or chocolates. You can also make coffee or tea, if they have to work late at night. Occasionally, you should also throw parties or small get-togethers. You can also go for movie and dinner nights.
Dessert WineSource
Don’t skip breakfasts; apart from affecting the health, it also affects the relationship and bonding. Walking out of home without proper interaction leaves a hollow in the relationship. An occasional call or text, during work is very healthy. Coming on committed hours, and not staying late at office boosts the relationship. Punctuality shows, that you have respect and care for your partner. Also avoid serious or disturbing conversations. Dinner should be heavy, talks should be light.