Live Life Like a Baby!

A child is soft, cute, carefree, confident, fearless, innovative, learner, trustworthy, innocent, obedient, egoless and bubbling with life each second.
It seems like dream to me if I have to live like a child. I would love to be loved by all. I would love to feel important to all. I would take pride in attracting everyone’s attention. Confidence would make me feel stronger and learning would add new qualities in me.
But it seems impossible at times to have these qualities of a child. I have so many responsibilities, so how can I be carefree? Is it possible?
We were born with these qualities, why and when did we lose them? How many of them have we retained? We are our own judge in this quest.
How can a 40 year old live like a baby? People will think that I have gone mad. But, why not? The moment I think I am mature and cannot be carefree. I have already raised a false wall of being big. I have developed ego and closed the doors to innovation and new learning. When I am not learning anything new, not innovating, I have nothing to be proud of, to be happy of any achievement.
This will lead to the depletion of my confidence and hence will lead me to taking other measures to be successful. This will take away the innocent child in me and I will no longer be trustworthy. Obedience will then have no meaning in my life and this bubbling me would be lost somewhere in the false wall of me being big, me being superior, me being egoistic.
Can we just not drop this habit of being big; after all we are all children of God. We are still children. We are here to learn to survive in a virtual environment. We are here to evolve and solve the mysteries of previous lifetimes. We were born a child, we must go back a child, and then only will my parents, the mother father of the universe, be happy. So, Live life like a child and bubble each second with life.
If we want to live a healthy happy life we should be care free like a baby is. Whenever is baby is in trouble, he rushes to his parents, so when we are in trouble we should also go to our parents, mother father of the universe.
A child is enthusiastic to learn new things, it is our endeavor to learn and explore new things every day. A child does not bother what clothes he is wearing. This is how God sent us to earth. And look, how we have molded ourselves. He then sent another child to see and realize our mistakes. Then we tell that we are nurturing the training the baby.
God sends babies in our relations, neighbors and families from time to time, but we do not realize what God wants to teach us.