Liar! Liar! Pants on fire! : Five common lies that men tell

Liar! Liar! Pants on fire! : Five common lies that men tell
You may come across thousands of lies from your guy when they are caught on the wrong foot, as they consider themselves expert in dishing out excuses.
Sometimes to escape from a fight, sometime they feel it as a good option or just to make you feel happy they can lie to you. Despite considering the fact that probably you would not take a minute to catch their lie.
Here are the top five funny lies that every man tell. Check out which one is frequently told by your guy.
You are the most beautiful girl I have met in my life: This would definitely come from him just to impress you. And make you feel special and to make you believe in him. Not only he will compliment you but in return he will expect that you appreciate him for his compliment.
I was in a meeting: If he wants to hang out with his friends and at the same time he has to take you for the shopping then the best excuse for him will be his official meeting. Right girls? They think it is best way to not have a fight with you.
I have quit smoking/ alcohol: When you continuously nag them for their bad habit such as smoking or alcohol. They will confidently lie to you and will say I have quit it already. How can you accuse me of doing that? Smoke and me impossible!
Last but not the least this lie would make lots of girls go jealous. You may be out for a dinner date and suddenly you will find him checking out another girl. When caught they will smartly reply see she is wearing the same jeans as you.
Well, guys your girl knows you better that you know yourself. So, next time before making any excuse, BEWARE!