Let Us Live!

Let Us Live!
“Like a compass needle that points north, a man’s accusing finger always finds a woman. Always” – Khaled Hosseini
“It’s the woman’s fault”, is more often than not echoed throughout this patriarchal society of ours. Everyone questions, but no answers. What about our questions? What should we do? Where should we go? How is it our fault? This male dominated society of ours is not letting us live. This democratic nation has become so suffocating for us. Why are we sore stricted?
From our clothes, to our cell phones to even our education, everything has always been questioned. Yes, I am talking about the state of girls in our nation. Numerous discussions, so many debates and demonstrations but the scenario is the same. Whenever a crime takes place against us, ‘The mistake’ is always ours.
Headline after headline paints India as a country thatis to a threat for women. And the same story continues with another headline.
“Gauhar Khan Slapped by a 24 year old man “and do you know why he slapped her? Just because ofthe clothes she was wearing.
This is nottheonly incident that has become the talk of the town but there are countless suchincidents. This all happens because some of our politicians always defend the men by simply saying “That boys will be boys” and because of thetypical mindsets of people saying girls are the Izzat of thehouse.
Why do we alwayscompromise? Why is it so, thatour mothers have to tell us to dress properly every time we go out just because theworld around us is not safe? Why doesshe have to call us several times just because it is getting darkoutside? It’s time to stopthediscussions and to give us the answers. India is as much ours as it is for themales of our country.
“We have to work onthe mindsets of the people ofour country, because that isthe root cause for all the crimes against us. But most importantly, our nation has to work on theimplementation of thelaws because if you look into thelaws, they are strict butthe implementationof these laws is not that strict”, says Priyanka Chopra.
A short dress is not an invitation for rape, nor does it signify that thegirl wants your attention orthat she is characterless. It justmeans that she likes to wear that particular dress andthatshefeels comfortable just like you feel in your outfits.
Banning jeans and cell phones would never work, rather you could make India a better place to live for women if you accept the factthat women are equal to you and are as talented as you are.
This incident once again proves that India needs to stop justifying the attitude of men towards womenby saying “boys will be boys”.
So, we leave you here, making it completely your decision on how you want your nation.
Just think!