Social News

‘Lesbianism Culture’: Here is everything you need to know

Why lesbianism culture is such a hot topic always?

Lesbianism is the sexual and romantic desire between females. Lesbianism culture has always remained r much debated topic. Orthodox minded people are still unable to accept this lesbianism practice as they find it incorrect that goes beyond the sexual norms. A society which yet see women as a byproduct of men, cannot tolerate the outspokenness of free thinking women who prove daring enough to live independent of men.

Lesbianism Culture, Representative Image
Lesbianism Culture, Representative Image

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Now the main question that arises is whether lesbianism is a right practice or it is due to abnormal behaviour? Lesbianism, in the most simplified form, is the homosexuality of women. A female person is called a lesbian when she expresses her sexual and romantic desires toward another female. According to law of nature only opposite sex can attract, but when same type of sex attracts it is find to be abnormal. But lesbianism is an exception to this law of nature; as a lesbian will generate no feelings of romance towards the opposite sex, but shows sexual feelings only to a same sex being. Now many modern countries do not consider lesbianism as a taboo, it has become legal in many countries.

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How it is caused?

Lesbianism can have both the mental and physical reasons. Mostly a person develops lesbian traits at the early childhood itself. Always remember that, lesbianism is not concerned as a mental disorder. According to psychology, great number of lesbians have developed homosexual desires as a regression to the earlier stages of development.

Social issues related with lesbianism

There are a lot of social issues that are related to unusual girls love. Now Lesbianism culture is supported by laws. But then lesbian couple often feel socially neglected and looked down upon. Societies will definitely take time to change their mentalities. Lesbians, if they prefer to have a baby, have to either adopt or approach a sperm donor to mother a baby.

It is not a disorder
It is not a disorder

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Can lesbianism be treated?

Always remember that Lesbianism is not a disorder to be treated and cured; it is just a sexual orientation. These people are not mentally ill. It is natural .There are certain therapies like reparative or conversion therapy that claim to have treatments to convert sexuality; though it is not proved by researches and not accepted by scientific society. Lesbianism is not a disorder. Counselling can be helpful though. If you have misidentified your sexuality and became a lesbian, then proper counselling could help you to regain the right path. If someone feels that she should be cured from lesbianism, then it is a clear sign that she is not a lesbian at all.

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Radhika Srivastava

She loves to express her feelings via her write -ups! She is a young passionate writer who brings unusual ideas to explore the world.
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