Learn Dining Etiquette to leave a long lasting impression

Exclusive Tips on Dining Etiquette rules by leading Image Consultant Renu Mehra, take a look!
Today we all have become more conscious, and aware of our image. We know presentation matters a lot. Whether it’s a formal meeting, success party or a small gathering, our style speaks for us. Even if you wear trendy clothes, carry an expensive phone, yet if you don’t know how to present yourself in front of others, you may leave a bad impression. Well, today we will be talking about Dining Etiquette, which has become an integral part of our society.

If you have a job interview coming up within next few months, or if you are planning to hold a dinner party at your place. This piece may help you. Renu Mehra, the leading image consultant recently conducted a workshop on how to excel in fine dining? The event took place at café Eywa in Meherchand Market, Delhi. (A place where you can park yourself for hours).
Renu Mehra has been working in the world of fashion and design from the past 25 years. She says presenting yourself gracefully is an art which can be developed with the science of image management, and fine dining is one of the most important things to learn when it comes to overall image development. She herself has a charismatic personality, and her handy tips can do wonders. Anyone can practice her tips irrespective of his/her age.

We got an exclusive chance to be a part of the workshop. Here is what all she shared during the session that can help you to stand out at home, restaurant or in a professional dine out.
1.Firstly, it’s important to understand the formula of a Business meeting. It has three categories. They are:
- Breakfast : ( 80 -20 ) 80 professional talks and 20 casual
- Lunch : (50 -50) 50 professional talks and 50 casual
- Dinner : (20 -80) 20 professional talks and 80 casual

It depends on the time and accordingly you need to prepare yourself. If you are going out for a breakfast, then it will be more of a professional meeting.
2.Basic Table Manners include
- Handling Crockery
- -Napkin Etiquette
- Serving Etiquette
- Bread- and – Butter Etiquette
- When to start eating?
- Passing the food
- Resting the crockery
- Always pass the plate from the right side.
3.While settling yourself, enter the chair from the right side, and exit it from the right side only.
4.Ladies, if you are carrying a bag, try to use bag hangers to avoid inconvenience.
5.As a host, you should never allow your guest to sit in front of the entrance, as it can distract him or her.

6.Wine Etiquette is an integral part of fine dining.
7.Use Mirroring technique. Dinner is not all about having lavish cuisines. It’s also meant for some engrossing conversation, and for a fruitful session, one needs to learn mirroring technique. It means sitting in the same position as your important guest so that she or he can become more comfortable with you.
How does the meal begin?
- Appetizers: It is a small dish or a drink which is taken before main course meal to stimulate one’s appetite.
- Salad: It can be served with or without dressing
- Soup : Served in a plate or a bowl
- Hors D’eouvres : It means starters
- Sorbet : Means Palate cleanser
- Entrée : The main course
Navigating the table
Have you ever wondered which bread plate is yours, the left or right? The simple way to remember this is using acronym BMW- Bread, Meal, Water or wine. It means Bread-Plated on the bread plate to your left, Meal -plated in the large plate in the centre and wines or water poured to your right. This is handy when you are a host.

Notably, there are two common styles when it comes to holding your crockery properly- The American Style and European Style. You can choose anyone of them, but it is best to stick to one during a meal.
European Style: Knife in right hand, fork in left hand. Cut the food with your knife and eat the food with your fork still in left hand. Keep the fork tines facing down throughout the entire eating process. In European style, you need not to switch hands.
American Style: Knife in right hand and fork in left hand holding food. After a bite is cut, place the knife on the edge of the blades facing inside. Eat food by switching the fork to the right hand (not required if you are left –handed).

Avoid doing these mistakes
- Arriving late
- Talking with your mouth full
- Chewing with your mouth open
- Do not use your cell phones
- Double Dip
- Burping

Always remember that dining etiquette becomes important even before you take your seat and continues after you excuse yourself from the table, so it is important to practice the art of fine dining. Renu Mehra’s next workshop will be Shape it and then Style it. It will be exclusively for women. You contact her at www.renumheraimageconsulting.com
Picture Credit: Inder Rawat