If he has commitment issues, it’s time to move on!

Falling in love and making promises is an easy task but the actual test starts when it comes to fulfilling those promises.
Our heart may be a moron but our mind keeps on knocking us practically right?
Dear girls, listening to your mind doesn’t mean ending your relationship,it just you should always keep that reality check.
So, here are some pointers that shows he has commitment issues and in that case, its time to move on!
There is big house, well settled job in his future but you are no where.
He never takes interest in meeting your family.
He introduce you as a good friend in front of his friends and family.
It seems he is allergic to commitment, whenever you try to talk about commitment he makes lot of excuses.
He never takes his own decisions and is reliant on others for the same.
He says let us give more time to each and other and then he will think of marriage. Why isn’t the feeling of love is not sufficient to keep two people together?
If marriage isn’t his goal, why are you with him, just think!