How to make your resume attractive?

Make your resume attractive: Here are few resume making etiquettes
- How to make your resume attractive?
- What all should be included in a resume?
- What all should be highlighted?
Resume making is an important part of our lives. If you are fresher, or even an experienced person then also you are required to carry your resume for any interview. Here are few tips to make your resume attractive. Always try to make appealing resume in order to get selected for the job. If you are not sure what to put on your resume, then make sure your resume don’t consist of these errors. It is quite often to make mistakes while writing a resume but it is difficult to correct the mistake once an employer gets it.
So prevention is critical, whether you are writing your first resume or revising it for a mid-career job search. Check out how to write the perfect resume by avoiding these common pitfalls. Here are few pointers to make your resume attractive.
1. Grammatical and typos errors: Most of the time in hurry we make small grammatical mistakes that go unnoticed but not always. Your resume needs to be grammatically correct . If it is not employers will read between the lines and draw not-so-flattering conclusions about you, like: “This person can not write,” or “This person obviously doesn’t care.” So, try to avoid this thing.
2. Lack of specifics: Always understand that what you have achieved. For example:
A. Worked with employees in a restaurant setting.
B. Recruited, hired, trained and supervised more than 20 employees in a restaurant.
Both of these phrases could describe the same person, but the details and specifics in example B will more likely grab an employer’s attention. Try to give specific points in your resume. Don’t exaggerate everything.
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3. One sided resume: As we mentioned above, avoid exaggerating the things in your resume. But there is a natural tendency of employers to expect resume atleast of two pages.Employers want you to write a resume specifically for them. They expect you to clearly show how and why you fit the position in a specific organization. So, try to make your resume atleast of two pages.
4 Highlighting duties instead of achievements: Usually people do this mistake, and it is quite common now. It is very easy to slip into a mode where you simply start listing job duties on your resume instead of your accomplishments. For example:
Attended group meetings and recorded minutes. Worked with children in a day-care setting, Updated departmental files etc.
Well, employers don’t look out for your duties they are more interested in your achievements.
They are looking for statements more like these:
Used laptop computer to record weekly meeting minutes and compiled them in a Microsoft Word-based file for future organizational reference etc. This will make your resume attractive .

5. Going on too long or cutting things too short: Never care about the length of your resume. Despite what you may read or hear, there are no real rules governing resume length. You know why? Because human beings, who have different preferences and expectations where resumes are concerned, will be reading it. Generally, you usually need to limit yourself to a maximum of two pages. Even don’t cut the information if you have already written.
6. No action verbs:Try to avoid action verbs while making your resume. Avoid using phrases like “responsible for.” Instead, use action verbs: “Resolved user questions as part of an IT help desk serving 4,000 students and staff.” This is much better.
7. Leaving off important information: Before writing or typing your resume make pointers so that important information will not be missed. You may be tempted, for example, to eliminate mention of the jobs you have taken to earn extra money for school. Typically, however, the soft skills you have gained from these experiences (e.g., work ethic, time management) are more important to employers than you might think.
8. Incorrect or wrong contact information: Always give genuine contact numbers in your resume Because it very important. It generally doesn’t happens, but in few firms employers do cross check the contacts. So, atleast be clear at your part.